make an impact


Your support means the world in the world of trucking.

ATHS members enjoy connecting with fellow trucking enthusiasts and the ATHS community. Many also give of their time, volunteering more than 2,000 hours every year to preserve the history of trucks, the trucking industry, and its pioneers. Have some fun and do some good, all at the same time. ATHS volunteers are the KEY to a successful organization!  Please consider volunteering!

Board Volunteer

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Committee Volunteer

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Convention Volunteer

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Dear ATHS volunteer,

Each year there are thousands of hours given by you and other ATHS volunteers. Some of you are chapter leaders, truck show assistants, board and committee members, Convention helpers, etc., all sharing your expertise with your Society. In fact, the world’s largest depository of all things trucking has only been developed because of the generosity and volunteer hours of its members. When ATHS receives a gift in kind for its Library, the giving does not end there. A volunteer checks it in, a volunteer registers it (sometimes with the IRS), volunteers examine it, put it on the shelf for cataloging, and then it is displayed by volunteers —  all for the  “the love old trucks.” Some give a little and some give a lot, but no matter the amount, it is the joint effort of all volunteers that makes ATHS what it is today. A simple ‘thank you’ to all will never suffice. Without your generosity of time, spirit, and effort, ATHS would not be leading the way in preserving the history of trucks, the trucking industry, and its pioneers. Thank you for being an ATHS volunteer and an ambassador for the Society.

For the love of  old trucks,

Steve Siemen
Volunteer Committee Chair

Thank You Volunteers

ATHS 2024 Convention & Truck Show
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